wheel bug eggs
The eggs hatch in May-June. Dear Curious These are the eggs of a Wheel Bug Arilus cristatus the largest Assassin Bug in North America. This Is A Wheel Bug One Of The Best Pedators Out There It Eats Aphids Cucumber Beetles And Many Other Bugs Including La Aphids Cucumber Beetles Lady Beetle The long dark fang tucks in under the face. . The hatchlings are called nymphs. Wheel Bugs are predatory Assassin Bugs that are beneficial in the home garden. Though older nymphs will have visible wing pads. Wheel bugs are active day and night. My first impression after the bite was the feeling of being shot I have been shot. Although the generic term bug is used for all sorts of insects scientifically it is only accurate when applied to a true bug. BugGuide has an image of the hatching eggs for an idea what the hatchlings will look like. The wheel bug overwinters as eggs with one generation per year in Kansas. Reduviida...